Hope Village Europe

All volunteers had to face it: leaving Hope Village. Many volunteers wanted to continue supporting Hope Village Namibia after a period of volunteering. Individually they didn’t have the ability to make a difference. Therefore foundation Hope Village Europe has been founded in 2011; a cooperation of volunteers with the aim to support Hope Village on a structural basis out of Europe. 

Unfortunately Hope Village is still struggling with finding donors who support the monthly operational costs like groceries, electricity, the salaries of the mommies and petrol. For companies it’s fiscally attractive to donate something concrete. Therefore they prefer to donate for example a car rather than the monthly electricity bill. Hope Village Europe wants to help Hope Village with these operational costs. Our support is needed to guarantee the quality and continuity of the care for all the children.

Why is Foundation Hope Village Europe necessary?
Currently the monthly operational costs of Hope Village Windhoek are N$145.000 (€9500). This is needed for food, gas and electricity, the salaries of the staff and petrol. To ensure that there is enough money to cover the fixed costs, they need to find extra donations every month. This causes stress and insecurity because sometimes there is not even enough money for the weekly shopping for food. Conclusion, Hope Village Namibia needs our help for the monthly operational costs!

Click here to find out what you can do. We need your support!